Projects Key Projects Course Title Funded by Beneficiaries Year 1- Diesel Mechanic (Trade Test).2- Plaster and Tiler (Trade Test)3- Diesel Mechanic Trade Training 1- Service Seta2- Service Seta3- Service Seta 1- 662- 703- 30 1- 2019 – 20202- 2019 – 20203-2020 – 2022 4- Bricklayer (Plaster, Tiler, Carpenter and Painting) Trade 4- Service Seta 4- 74 4- 2020-2021 5- Electrical Trade training6- Electrical Trade Training and Testing 5- NYDA6- DPW 5- 736- 63 5- 2018-20216- 2019-2021 7- Welding in Level 4, Welding ARPL | Trade Readiness and Testing 7- EPWP/DPW 7- 63 7- 2019-2020 8- Welding Trade training Diesel Trade training 8- SSETA/NYDA 8- 60 8- 2018-2022 9- Electrical Level 2 | Fabrication (Boiler making) Level 2 9- NYDA 9- 30 9- 2020-2021 10- Testing Electrical Trade Training and Testing | Electrical ARPL 10- Zebediela Community Investments 10- 100 10- 2018-2020 11- Electrical Trade Testing | Diesel Trade Testing 11- ZZ2 11- 25 11- 2020-Current 12- Electrical Trade Training, Trade Readiness | Trade Testing 12- OTP Limpopo 12- 35 12- 2017-2020 13- Automotive Repairs and Maintenance L2 13- Lephalale TVET 13- 50 13- 2019-2020 14- Automotive Repairs and Maintenance L2 14- Letaba TVET 14- 18 14- 2019-2020 15- Automotive Repairs and Maintenance L2 15- Letaba TVET 15- 32 15- 2021-Current 16- Diesel Mechanic17- Electrical Trade training18- Electrical Trade training 16- SSETA/NYDA17- Construction SETA18- CHIETA/NYDA 16- 2717- 4318- 20 16- 2019-Current17- 2020- Current18- 2021-Current 19- Fabrication (partnership with Mpumelelo Artisan training Centre) 19- CHIETA/NYDA 19- 20 19- 2021-Current 20- Training Management Company for Anglo American Platinum 20- Anglo 20- 1000 20- 2021-Current Completed Projects Course Title Funded by Beneficiaries Electrical and Diesel trade prep and testingTrade prep and testingVarious Construction skill programsWelding Trade training and TestingLight Vehicle Service PersonHorticulture LearnershipConstruction – Narysec Mpumalanga projectWholesale and Retail Learnership NQF Level 2-4Electrical Skills ProgrammePlumbing Skills ProgrammeConstruction Skills ProgrammeCommunity House BuildingStarting a business Provider ProgrammeAgri Skills ProgrammeNVC Skills ProgrammeConstruction Skills ProgrammeFinancial Management for Small BusinessFinancial Management for Small BusinessCorrectional services Skills Programs Professional Cookery Building related skills programFinancial Management for Small BusinessFinancial Management For Small BusinessesAgri Skills ProgrammeAutomotive Repairs and Maintenance L2 ZZ2Private learnersRoyal BafokengLG SETAMogalakwena Anglo Platinum Mine EPWPNARYSEC MpumalangaPick ‘n PayNSFNSFNSFNARYSECSEDANSFNSFNARYSECNSF Social Window Under Department of Labour NSDS11GTZTalent EmporiumDifferent Offices of SEDA (Limpopo)Department of Water Affairs (Limpopo)NSF & KayanaweLephalale TVET 25 80 200 31 10 20 160 26 25 25 75 52 30 660 200 124 350 15 562 More than 200 More than 300 560 50